March 2023 Goals
monthly goals
daily snapshots
Monthly Goals
- Review the following sections of the Punt Student reading list:
- Stock Assessment
- Ecology and Ecosystems (compare to TEE quals reading list)
- Fisheries Management and Policy
- Prepare the final draft of the Proposal Presentation for my General Exam
- Run simulations for Ch. 1 natural mortality experiment using the status quo HCR and the phase-in HCR
Daily Snapshots
27 - 31 March 2023
- troubleshooting the phase-in HCR code for Ch. 1
- work sessions on the 27th, 28th, and 31st
20 - 24 March 2023
- real human stuff
14 - 16 March 2023
- a marathon of slide deck building, season 5 of Queer Eye, reading papers, and receiving great mentorship
- I passed my General Exam!
- I’m going to take Spring Break off
13 March 2023
- finished Ch. 1 section of final draft slide deck
- produced best available plots from Ch. 1 for slide deck
- skimmed wiedenmann et al. paper and make checklist for Ch. 2 plots
- started final draft of Ch. 2 section of slide deck
11 March 2023
- drafted final prioritization list for exam prep
8 March 2023
- final draft of proposal presentation for General Exam
- Chapter 1 components filled in (50%)
7 March 2023
- started building the final draft of proposal presentation for General Exam
- new outline produced
- introduction components filled in
1 March - 6 March 2023
- some pretty serious burn out
- watched Ian Stewart’s NOAA Monster Jam seminar about the use of ensemble modelling at IPHC for Ch. 3